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(More customer reviews)I received the DX6i transmitter as a Christmas present, along with the Mustang BL BNF (bind and fly) RC model. The transmitter is more than what's required to operate the airplane, but it's my first programmable transmitter. You could easily use the DX5e, but I like the LCD display and the way you can make program changes to customize and save flight settings for your particular model.
The Mustang is a hand-launched, speedy, electric foam plane. I had to reverse the servos for the ailerons, which was easy to program. The control surface throws were initially off, so I programmed 125% throw for the aileron servos to meet design specs for high rate. I programmed 60% for the elevators and ailerons for low rates, which works well. The high rate settings are also programmed with positive exponentials of +35% to dampen the response around the neutral point for better control. I use the Flap switch to give 8% up elevator on takeoff so that the model climbs at a steady rate rather than loosing altitude after release; then it's easy to switch it off because the lever is taller than the elevator-rate switch next to it. I programmed the "Kill Switch" to be a 10 minute timer, so now I can hear beeps every minute as the timer counts down during flight.
I've added a rudder servo to the model (it's optional), so now I'm using most of the channels and switches. I'm not using the gear, trainer, or mix switches, yet.
The transmitter seems to have a long range. It's also relatively easy to hold, though I find it essential to use a neck lanyard due to hand launching; the radio hangs perfectly balanced. The control sticks have very little resistance, which I'm slowly getting used to; I tried increasing the friction, but the adjustment didn't make much difference. However, when I apply too much down elevator pressure, the stick pops out of its gimbal mount on one side (but doesn't fall into the radio) then there is a lot of friction and the stick doesn't return to neutral. I've gotten to where I just pull on the stick each time to pop it back into place. This seems to be a weak point.
Another weakness for beginners like me is the operating manual. It will get you flying using the fundamental settings, but I had to search the net to find out what some of the useful settings (like exponential) were for and when to use them. I would still like to know how to set up and use the trainer switch function.
If you think you might want to fly a PNP (Plug N Play)RC model, you might consider the transmitter in combination with the AR6000 receiver. The combined price can be a good discount for that receiver.
Overall, I'm satisfied with the transmitter as long as the elevator/aileron stick doesn't get looser.
Click Here to see more reviews about: DX6i Transmitter Only MD2
The 6-channel DX6i uses the same full range DSM2? technology found in the Spektrum DX7 and includes an impressive list of programming features for both airplanes and helicopters that are simple to access and use.The DX6i iscompatible with all existing Spektrum aircraft receivers. Whatever kind of flying you do, the DX6i can be adapted to most any model in your existing collection that requires six channels or less.
The DX6i transmitter only includes: 1 Transmitter 4 Rechargeable AA batteries 1 Charger 1 Manual/Quick Start Guide
Always purchase products from a Horizon Hobby, Inc. authorized dealer to ensure authentic high-quality Spektrum product. Horizon Hobby, Inc. disclaims all support and warranty with regards, but not limited to, compatibility and performance of counterfeit products or products claiming compatibility with DSM2 or Spektrum.Attention: Horizon Hobby has confirmed that all Spektrum Products being sold by KoKo Technology are counterfeit. We consider it a danger to use these products, waive all liability and will not support any warranty or service in regards to them.
Click here for more information about DX6i Transmitter Only MD2
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