Sunday, April 29, 2012


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I'm shocked myself - This is going to be the most positive review I've ever written on any site, for any product - This copter is that good! I caught the heli bug 3 years ago while recovering from a broken hip, going from 2 to 3 to 4 channel indoor copters, as well as a few higher end outdoor models.
Of them all, the Syma S026 Chinook (and make sure it's this one! more on that later)is the most stable and easiest to fly Helicopter in our collection. It does whatever you want it to do - exactly. Having been through the horrors of two-channel units, which really don't do anything but go up and down (and spin out of control! semi-LOL), it's great to find an inexpensive that really flies - not randomly, but lets you be a real pilot.
Hit the up controller and it goes directly proportional to amount of throttle input. Go forward or backwards, and it goes where you want it to. Hover it right next to you, and it stays there until you send it on a new mission. Up, Down; backwards, forwards; sideways and box patterns - no matter what you command, it does it - and does it well.
Following several bumps/crashes into walls, floor and even a wife (I said I was SORRY!) the Chinook is still in one piece. (Knock on wood) The rotors haven't broken yet - a first for me. Usually I lose a rotor on these every other flight.
Now that they're installing LiPo batteries in the small copters, battery life is exceptional as well. Syma provides what they call a balancing charger, which brings my battery to full power in less than an hour.
As long as you can tolerate/understand the comically translated instructions, you will really enjoy this one. I would also recommend for child's use - just make sure they are supervised, and that you have some spare parts too. Top of the list should be an extra full set of propeller blades. Nothing is worse than starting to fly, hitting something just right (or just plain wrong) breaking a blade - and having to wait a week or two for new parts to come. I know one day even I will break a prop, so we always keep a few on hand.
Other than that, I can't see or foretell any other 'consumable' parts in this one. Just (carefully) take out of the box, charge and fly. Whether you're just starting out learning to fly, or are experienced - You're going to like this helicopter - A Lot!
BTW - Syma makes several versions of this copter, as do several other manufacturers. Syma also makes one that's almost the same size and price - It's not the same! Order the S026, and you'll get the right one. Chinnoks are not all the same. Happy Flying.

Click Here to see more reviews about: SYMA S026 3CH RC RTF MINI CH-47 CHINOOK HELICOPTER

Last year, Silverlit had brought to all RC fans a major shock with the introduction of their Tandem Z helicopter. A full 3 channels control makes it capable to go forward, left, right, slightly backward. However, a lot of customer were dissatisified with its quality, they said it is too easy to break, and they don't like the weird front and rear stabilizer attaching to the Tandem Z.This year Syma had finally introudced their own version of Tandem Z, built with the coaxial blade platform, it provides double the stability in compares to a Tandem Z, you don't need to trim the helicopter constantly to get it stable.And you can manually adjust the flying style. For example if you want the helicopter to lean more to the forward, you can press the button on the right shoulder a few times, it will make the Rear rotor Blade spins faster than the front rotor, making the helicopter tends to fly forward. And vice versa, if you want the helicopter to fly significantly backward.And you can also try the neutral flying mode, which is helicopter not leaning to either forward or backward, I personally like this the most, the easier mode to control.

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Click here for more information about SYMA S026 3CH RC RTF MINI CH-47 CHINOOK HELICOPTER

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